(561) 405.3300

David Milledge

Meet David Milledge:

David Milledge is a valued member of the firm specializing in Land Use and Zoning law. His expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of land development matters, where he provides comprehensive representation to developers, guiding them from initial acquisition to securing crucial government entitlements. David’s adeptness shines through in his assistance with various facets of the entitlement process, including navigating development applications, facilitating comprehensive plan amendments, obtaining variances, securing site plan approvals, and orchestrating zoning text amendments.


Before joining the firm, David served as the deputy general counsel for the Broward County Property Appraiser, where he honed his skills in handling ad valorem and exemption contests with finesse. Additionally, his prior role as a board member of the Boca Raton Airport Authority, David played a pivotal role in shaping policy concerning the operations of the Boca Raton Airport. Furthermore, his commitment to public service extended to his involvement with the advisory council for the Seafarers’ House, a commendable non-profit organization dedicated to assisting the maritime community.


In his spare time, David enjoys spending time with his wife and children at Walt Disney World.



U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida



B.A. Emory University
J.D. Nova Southeastern University


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